Investors today are serious about earning better profit margins. With the crush of the COVID-19 pandemic threatening to stifle continued value expansion within the stock market and other commodity trading spaces, investors are turning toward new and innovative approaches to managing their investment profile. One option that many in the investment world have known about for generations is the historical price action chart and other relevant data points plotted against a 20-year backdrop.
A 20-year chart is a fantastic tool for investors who want to build a personal connection with the market involving greater nuance and higher precision in trading. With the help of a resource like FinanceCharts (see more at, finding the varied products that cover virtually every ratio and financial metric over a 20 year period can help you develop this new and potent approach to investment analysis that the pros have been relying on for as long as stock trading has been done at this level. Continue reading to learn more about how you can leverage these long-term data products to make better trading decisions, and how FinanceCharts can facilitate this shift toward better data-driven investing.
Finance Charts offers a vast library of investment data products for comparison and research.
Investors need data products. With the help of a vast library of price charts and other key elements that are crucial in making decisions within the world of personal finance, Finance Charts allow for the evaluation of multiple companies alongside each other at one time.
Investors simply can’t afford to rely purely on gut instinct anymore. The world has become a data-driven environment, and understanding the role that data products and analytics play in the ongoing successes of investors and investment strategies is integral in the lifecycle of any investor’s portfolio. Today, most professional money managers can’t beat the market on a year-over-year trend. However, this is often because they are afraid of losing money for their clients and play the ongoing analytical process that directs continued investment as conservatively as possible.
This fact leads retail investors to dual conclusions. The first is that index funds are a crucial component of maintaining long-term stability—if you can’t beat the market you might as well join it! Secondly, building data analysis techniques that place historical data front and center can help you identify undercurrents in the marketplace and pounce on an opportunity as it presents itself.
Long-range projections are impossible without a firm grasp on the history of varied data points.
With index funds providing structure to your portfolio, you can afford to take greater risks in other aspects of the marketplace. This is where long-trending charts come into play. Historical data allows for a long view of the market as a whole, and individual segments that interplay with one another. Utilizing 20-year charts can give you a look at the historical momentum that has shaped the present moment in the market’s ongoing evolution. Without an understanding of where the market has been and what has happened in the world around it, investors can’t successfully predict where future trends will take share prices of any current or future company.
Comparing sector charts against individual players is a crucial task that investors must engage in. For instance, evaluating price movements within a single company and its broader industry after the rollout of an iconic commercial can help you make sense of the value that consumers place on television branding campaigns. Likewise, political conflicts can drive price movements, so studying historical events offers a glimpse into what stocks might do after experiencing similar circumstances. With all this in mind, it’s extremely important to utilize historical charts to take your investment game to the next level.